Ostergaard Consulting
Ostergaard Consulting Aps, Retortvej 28B 1TV, 2500 Copenhagen, CVR DK 35860703
It is once again time for the Enterprise Architecture Summer School at the IT University of Copenhagen.
This is the sixth time the Enterprise Architecture Summer School will be held. The Enterprise Architecture Summer School has always focused on bringing students and professionals together in a learning environment. In the growing field of Enterprise Architecture. Beside the academic aspect, the school has in the last years also developed into an important networking forum for both students and professionals.
Last year we had about 100 attendees, this year we are looking to expand with 50 – 100 %.
Participants at the summer school will, as mentioned, consist of both professional and student. Distribution will be approximately 60% professional and 40% students.
There will be participants from all parts of Europe. The default language at the Summer school will therefore be English.
Already selected topics
-The future of the IT organization according to the CIO
-Enterprise Architecture in the financial sector
-Enterprise Architecture in Academia
-Enterprise Architecture in production companies
-Stories of successful implementation of Enterprise Architecture
So if believe you have the right profile, story, knowledge ect. to give a valuable input to the summer school don´t hesitate to contact us at klaus@ostergaard-consulting.com
To make sure we have the most relevant presentations at the summer school, we invite you to come up with other relevant topics, in the field of Enterprise Architecture.
•1. Select a specific topic that best describes your proposal.
(See “Suggested Topics” list or suggest something new.)
•2. Provide a 100–150 word presentation summary and speaker bio.
•3. Submit your proposal by 16th of April. We will be sending notifications by 1st of May
•4. Submit proposals and questions regarding speaking at the Summer school to: klaus@ostergaard-consulting.com
The duration of the presentations will be 1 hour (45 min. presentation and 15 min for discussion)
Participation in the Summer School is free for speakers
The vision of the Summer School is that professionals and sponsors assist in providing for the participation of students
This year the fee for professionals is thus DKK 3.000,00 plus VAT.
The fee covers participation, lunch, coffee and refreshments during the entire event.
Students attend the Summer School free of charge. (The free participation is only for M.Sc. or Bachelor students)
Please sign up via email to Klaus Østergaard on: klaus@ostergaard-consulting.com stating your name, title and organization.
We will then send you a confirmation and an invoice of DKK 3.000,00 plus VAT, on email. The invoice is to be paid no later than 3 days before the event.
The event will take place at the IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S